The First Apartment Is Special
Many singles live at home for years before venturing out on their own, but it is generally their economic conditions that keep them from having their own place. As soon as they can afford it, many of them are more than ready to start the hunt for the perfect apartment. Their needs are not necessarily for a large space, but they do crave a certain amount of privacy. They might not know exactly what they want, but they will recognize it as soon as they walk in the door. Price is often an issue, but there are generally neighbourhoods where singles are welcome at a reasonable price.
The issue of privacy
Parents of young adults must make some adjustments if their children are to remain at home, but there is still the issue of privacy. Young adults want to bring their friends over, and they might also want to experience intimacy with a special friend. For them, it is less about the freedom granted by their parents. They simply want to be able to enjoy their own life with a modicum of privacy, and many of them feel they will be unable to experience it if they remain at home. It can be expensive to move out, but the issue of privacy overrides their concerns about money.
Where to move
The decision to leave home is often one that is highly anticipated, but a single person must first decide where to move. They need to choose an area that is close to their work, and they need to be able to afford the lifestyle they have chosen. For those who make just the barest of wages, poorer city neighbourhoods will often offer them the most choices. Those who have been working for at least a few years can usually afford something in a better neighbourhood, but they might not quite be ready for a penthouse apartment.
Making the move
Family and friends are often helpful when it comes to moving, and young adults will often find they need these resources when making the move to their first apartment. They have few furniture possessions of their own, and they will need to find inexpensive ways to furnish their first home. It is not necessarily charity that motivates others, so they can feel good about accepting gifts of furnishings from their loved ones. This is a ritual that has been passed down through generations, and moving into a new place is advancement on the wheel of life. Receiving gifts is an honored tradition where the family has an opportunity to help them find the lifestyle they want.
Moving away from home can be difficult to contemplate for those who are satisfied with a lack of privacy and unwilling to begin their life as adults, but many younger people look forward to it. Finding their first apartment can take quite a bit of time, but they will be happy once they find the right place. Their new neighborhood will often be very different from their former home, but it will be the space where they can start their life as adults.